Movies Imitating Life or Vice Versa...

(Keeping up with my new trend of writing short and quick posts about whatever comes to my mind. Here goes another one) Suddenly one day when you are sitting around doing nothing at all.. Chilling on another weekend watching a long list of movies downloaded from the internet (Illegaly) , there comes around a movie about which you have never heard before, have no expectations from it what so ever.. and then it happens.. something clicks in place. That EUREKA moment when you realize "WTF !!.. Did they make this movie on my life ?" How can real life be so uncannily similar to a movie. This has happened to me more then once now, and the last time this happened... err.. actually its happening right now. I am watching a movie which seems to be inspired by my life, what's going on in my life right at this moment.. Its freaky.. So freaky that I have paused the movie and sat and started banging on my keys again writing this. But one thing which I have noticed that althoug...