Award Shaward

I have been spending my last couple of weeks moving from One house to anothe r, err.. make that.. One City to Another ... err better make it.. One Country to Another ... How about .. From One Continent to Another .. Yaa.. that sounds about right.. So after I settled down and finally got a Internet connection going, I was pleasantly surprised to see a comment on a post from Sowmya Swaminathan informing me that she has awarded me The Versatile Blogger award.. The rules of the Versatile Blogger Award are as Follows: 1. Award 15 Fellow Bloggers 2. Inform the Bloggers of their award 3. Share 7 random things about yourself 4. Thank the Blogger who awarded you 5. Add the Versatile Blog Award picture to your blog post Pffft... Rules.. Who needs them... I don't know if I have 15 Bloggers to be awarded but here goes nothing.. 1. Pooja Sridhar 2. Shasha and Ashu 3. Aakriti Malik 4. Ashish Hablani 5. Aswathy Mohandas 6. Seetha Lakshmi K R ...