Ok, Here we go.. ( DAMN ! You meeting invites, leave me alone on a Friday ) .. ( After 3 hours , 5 coffees and 4 conference calls ) Ok.. This time, let’s definitely go. But Again I Digress , - These used to be my 3 favorite words. ( Ohh.. wait a minute, that’s 4 words ) Anyways moving on. So as I was saying, These ' n ' number of words were my favorite which I used to use in almost every post I ever wrote. Why You ask me ? ( Ok, even if you don’t ask me I will still tell you anyways. It’s not like you have a choice, Since I am the one writing and you are the one reading. ) Yes, so where were we? Ohh yes... Why did I digressed such a lot, Simple Da/Ra/Macha/Bondhu/Mitra/Yaar/ Hot Female/Not So Hot Female/Any Female.. (Really a female reading what I write. Bucket List No 67 - Accomplished ) I Digress because I have a very small attention span. If I start talking about one thing, pretty soon I would be talking about the weather in Timbak...