
Showing posts from June, 2011

The Emerald Sea and Rolling Thunder

I hope this succeeds Some of you would understand, most of you won't.

Airline Customer Care

Today morning I had couple of very interesting conversations with an Airlines Customer Care. I am quickly trying to jot down what I remember before I forget. As of now I am not in a mind to take any names and insult the airlines. So I would be calling the Airline as what else but “Airline”.  ( Ya I know I can’t think of any more imaginative names, but I am writing this so I would do what I want to. But again I Digress ) Background : Next month during travel to India I have to travel from City A to City B and since there is no direct flight, I had to book using a connecting flight through City C. So I had booked 2 flights by the same airlines flying from City A to City C and then onto City B ( my final destination ). I booked these tickets 2 months in advance to get cheap fare ( which I did ).  Being the ultra careful person that I am I took prints of all my tickets 2 months in advance, stapled, pinned and arranged them in the correct order of how and when they would be neede

Its a Loong Story...I will tell you later

Areyyyy Yaaar ( or add your own salutation )... Its a looong story....I will tell you some other time... This is one of the most common sentences which we all use. ( At least I do..So as always, I will generalize this statement and assume that you reading this right now, use this sentence a lot as well. If you disagree with me...  Well I don't should have written something on your own then right ? ....  But again I Digress ) When someone says to me it's a long story and then refuses to divulge the details. I feel intrigued, curious and impatient until I know each and every detail. And till the time I don't know the story. I imagine what the long story might be. For Example: Situation: Someone is late to work and tells me that its a long story why they are late and will tell me later. What I start to Imagine:   Woowww... Interesting, The Creature ( in search for a better name and since I am not gender biased ) is hiding from me why creature

Response to 10 classic Indianisms

I hope I don't turn this into a habit anytime soon.   So once again, I read an article through facebook which someone shared. Link to original Article: ( UPDATE : You need to read the above article first to understand what I am saying ) I have anonymized the names here And as a response I am jotting down my thoughts here: Indianisms are what one would classify as colloquialism and slang.  How much of sense does 'slap him upside the head' make but it does in America.  How about 'kiss my ass' - no I rather not kiss your donkey or for that matter your bottom (arse)... but there you have it language evolves and every ethnic group contributes its own flavor.  Bet you would not understand if I asked you to pass me a coldie but an Australian would... he would know I meant a can of cold beer. He would also know if I asked for it in a handle, I meant a beer glass with a handle... Oh and by the way 'p

The Silent Noose

Happiness or Despair - (Call it sadness/depression if you want to). Am I the only one here who talks to himself ?  Oh No!! Wait. You right there with your hand on the touch-pad or the mouse, sitting on the chair, lying on your bed or hanging from the ceiling with a noose around your neck. I know you. I know you used to talk to yourself. You had wonderful and profound conversations with your inner-self, until that fateful day. When someone overheard you two talking. And since then the inner voice won't answer any of your questions. It has gone Silent. You have lost your best friend , some one who understood most of your problems, even though you two may not have agreed to everything , actually I remember all the arguments which you had. The late nights when you stayed up arguing about the cosmos, philosophy and anything under the sun. But now those days are loong gone. And that's the reason, I can see the noose is out and the voice is gone and dead. THIS IS CO