
Showing posts from December, 2010

New Year and a New Trend

As my avid readers would have noticed till now, that all my blog posts are extremely well researched and backed up by scientific proof and years of careful observation and research. Thats what makes this blog stand out from all the ones you see on the right side of this page under the heading Fellow mumblers. They write whatever they want to.  But not me. I know I have a higher purpose in life to relieve mankind from its narrow minded thoughts and philosophies and fill it with all the blullshit crap (Have you noticed how these two words mean the same thing but are often used together as if they would mean something else. But again: I digress ) theories that I dish out on a day to day basis. But all that ends now. I am going to start a new trend in the new year. I am also going to be like the millions of other bloggers out there, and write without whim or wish and write small posts about whatever comes to my mind at any point of time in a day. Be it a one liner or a 1274 Page ep

Santa is Screwed this year - Work in Progress..

Two posts in one week. Woww.. I must be on a roll. Considering that I have only written 4 posts in 2010.  As usual, I have no theme in mind (yet), so bare with me. It's time for Christmas and New Year now, time for making new year resolutions yet again, but do take a heed of what were your resolutions of last year and how successful have you been in keeping them ? Do reply in the comments below. Just thought of something to write about.  Now this post is going to go the same usual way of me preaching more of my useless philosophies/theories so please feel free to close the browser tab (Yes Tab as I hope you are still not using IE 6). Last night I was talking to one of my friends and was preaching about something which you might call as the X Gene, the quality which makes some one the leader of the pack, the Alpha Male/Female. I like to call this the Animalistic attraction. There are some people around us who always seem to be the centre of attraction in whatever they do or

Philosophical Nomad

I have noticed something about the way I write my each blog post (This is a generalization so as most of the other generalizations; it can very well be false). Whenever I start a blog post, I start by using: “Been a long time since I last wrote something, I have no idea about what to write, but thought of writing something”. After this I usually dish out a whole lot of crap philosophies which I have and keep on going and going and going, until I realize that I am using Microsoft Word to write and if I copy paste this post into Blogger the really bad HTML formatting which the MS Office software suite uses is going to screw up the HTML formatting of the blog page. So then I spend another 2 hours messing around with the HTML code and finally come up with something presentable. (This explains the difference in the fonts/colors/font size of each of my posts). Most of my fellow bloggers have a definite theme to what they write, about food , about Sarcasm , poems etc etc. But me, No Siree