Proved : The World is flat

There is still quite a lot of debate about the earth being round. I'm pretty sure its not round, and there's actually a really neat little experiment you can do at home that disproves the "round earth" theory: Get a round ball. Put it on top of a larger ball, representing the earth. You will notice how the smaller ball will roll off the larger ball, since both are round. If, however, you place the same ball on the ground, i.e. on the top of the round earth ( the top is where ever you are, because, if the "round earth" theorists are right, the earth is round ), you will notice that the ball does not roll off to one side. This home experiment disproves the "round earth" theory, and it's a really neat trick you can do with the kids to get them involved in science from an early age. Kids are the future, you know. THIS IS COSMIC BLASTING OFF !!!!!!!!