
Showing posts from September, 2008

Wish you were here :(

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell? And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts? Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze? Cold comfort for change? And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage? How I wish, how I wish you were here. We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, Running over the same old ground. What have you found? The same old fears. Wish you were here.

Odyssey Generation

A few days ago one of my friends send me a link to a very interesting community called parallel mirrors which is very hard for me to define. It had a topic called "Odyssey Generation". And many people had expressed their own view points. Odyssey generation to me means that stage of life in a person which is going to define his entire existence on this planet. The stage where he/she takes control of his life and ventures forward on a path that shapes his/her future. The time or period in a persons life which will have a everlasting effect on whatever it is he does from that point onwards. But theoretically speaking this one stage of life which was just supposed be a passing phase has been carried over to comprise the modern day's man entire life. As soon as a child is born the first thing thats gonna define him and shape his future is the locality in which he is brought up. Even when the child is in the Pre-nursery, or (what ever classes that kids go to nowadays) that beco

Does GOD believe in caste/creed/GOATEE ??

DISCLAIMER :- I AM NOT HERE TO PREACH/TEACH BUT TO OBSERVE AND COMMENT Last week i went on a vacation/adventure trip with my college friends to many different places. And the last one of them included a very famous temple in the midst of the mountains. Now presently i have a goatee which somewhat resembles the traditional beard usually worn by the people of the Muslim community. All the people in the temple were receiving the blessings from the So-Called-Pundit, and when my turn came i went up to him and spread my hands in front of him to take the prasad and bowed my head in reverence to the almighty and also so that the Pundit might put the TILAK on my head. But instead of doing that the Pundit looks at me, and instead of blessing me asks m of what caste am I? When i told him that i am a Hindu Brahmin, he still didnt seem to believe me and looked at me suspiciously and started preaching to me that if i am Brahmin (a so called higher caste in the Indian-playing field of religion) then

Have a Backbone

DISCLAIMER :- I AM NOT HERE TO PREACH/TEACH BUT TO OBSERVE AND COMMENT The most important thing to have for any person/child in my opinion is a backbone. And a strong backbone at that which cannot be bent by the society forcing you to bow before their beliefs and needs.... of what they expect of you... of what they want of you... of what they believe to be correct .... of what they believe is the norm.... of what they believe are the rules to be followed.... Every one needs to have their own point of view, and not just follow what they are taught or preached. But question those beliefs and have a say of their own. In school when you are small you are taught to question the teachers if you have any doubts, but when those doubts leave the so called prescribed syllabus and moves outside it, you are rebuked for doubting the teachers knowledge and the great Scientists who have proved things before you and you are supposed to accept them as fact. When you go to the temple where your parents

Story of Orkut

Once there were two neighbors. Orkut and chirkut. Orkut was a very indecent guy. And was always after skirts , While chirkut was almost a saintly person chirkut always preached to orkut the values of friendship and brotherhood ,but orkut did not listen. Then one day...a great scientist Mr WEBSTER decided that the name chirkut was fit for a CROOK. And the whole world from that day on decided that chirkut was a crook. Seeing that his good name was brought into dust chirkut left the neighborhood of orkut and went out into the world in hiding. Orkut now went under a tremendous change and really missed his friend chirkut so he started a website in his friends name that is and started searching the whole world for his friend and neighbor. Then one day...two crazy white people met orkut and asked him to sell over to them so orkut was very happy that chirkut's teachings were right and that good does you if you do good for others but the two crazy

Of Tux and Humanity towards Others

Ok people this is going to be the most boring of all the posts that i have come up with till date...(as if the others were interesting huh...) This is the first post that I am writing about my passions in life...which right now mainly consists of Mr TUX and "Ubuntu". OK now some of the people might understand what i am gonna ramble on already and some ....or should i say most of you must have no idea in hell what i am talking about. Well for the uninitiated ones..Tux is the mascot of don't ask me what Linux is...or i am gonna throw you out of this blog this very minute.. Now some of you good souls must have heard about this free Operating System for computer Geeks and Nerds...which does not work and you have never seen it...But then you must be asking yourselves right now, "What is this MUMBO-JUMBO about Ubuntu that this dude keeps talking about." Well i don't blame you for that....because ubuntu comes to us directly from the heart of the world o

One Night @ Nite Rent

Going by the newly formed tradition of this random blog. Where it is extremely difficult to predict what the next post is going to be about, this time I decided that I should tell you all a story. If you think that you are not a kid anymore and have grown over the age of reading stories, I would suggest that you go ahead and leave now, and do what ever it is that grown up hags like you do. So now that we have that matter sorted out lets get on with the story. Or wait…..why should I start so soon telling you a story. May be I will bore my unfortunate readers a bit more about the latest happenings around the world Real Harry Potter Weathers Pottermania He's not a wizard. He lives in Florida . And he's 78. But he does have a name with a magical ring to it: Harry Potter. This Harry's wife says he gets a "big kick" out of talking to Potter fans. Ok that’s enough news for you. I don’t care what goes on in the world and neither should you. S

Its Time For Mr Prankies

Disclamer:- The Generator of this blog is in no way responsible for the Effects Caused Due to the actions u are abt to undertake. Please use caution and keep away from the reach of children PRANK 1 1) open control panel 2) select the mouse option 3) under buttons 4) select left handed 5) and apply EFFECTS----THE MOUSE SHOULD NOW BECOME A LEFT HANDED ONE i.e.---right click becomes left and left becomes right REMEDY------JUST SWITCH BACK THE MOUSE TO RIGHT HANDED. PRANK 2 1) take a screen shot of the Desktop in which there are no applications open by pressing ptr sc (this step may vary from model to model, it has been seen that in some laptops u need to press a fn key before) 2) now open paint application 3) use the paste option from under edit to create a pic of the desktop. 4) save the pic any where in the PC. 5) go back to the desktop right click on it and under arrange icons by deselect SHOW DESKTOP ICONS 6) now set the pic u generated in step 4 and set it as the desktop back ground.

You know you’re an engineer if...

1. You still own a drafter and actually know how to use it. 2. The sales person at the IBM store can not answer any of your questions. 3. You own a white shirt and a white pair of socks. 4. You have never washed your clothes since you entered your college 5. You and your Girl friend are looking wistfully at the sky...she is looking at the moon and you are trying to locate a GEO-Synchronous satellite. 6. You know what a Geo Synchronous Satellite actually is. 7. At home, you rearrange the washing machine to maximize dirty clothes density. 8. You stare at an orange juice container because it says 'concentrate'. 9. You know the direction the water swirls when you flush and have used this information to extrapolate your GPS coordinates. 10. You own a software program to design the furniture layout in your house. 11. You've tried to repair a 5Rs radio, and used 20Rs worth of solder to do it. 12. You have no life and can prove it mathematically. 13. During DIWALI Dinner you find y

Inter Galactic Opera

Greetings Earthlings...(hope u are earthlings or did i just discover first signs of ET) i am not sure what made u come to this blog or did i force u to come here through my mind control powers which were provided to me when the HSIHSA people from the planet INALBAH did some poking around in my head..... Any ways now that you are here you are stuck here for the next few lines with me.....since i have just send a Trojan horse to your computer which is blocking you from accessing any other page... Don't try and hit that BACK button or your hard drive will crash with a Brilliant flash of PINK....(have no idea why pink...but thats the way it is) OK now please bear with me through my ramblings which go on and on.......and you know the greatest thing about them they are about nothing which makes any sense to anyone as well as me..... The title of the blog is Inter galactic Opera....and i have never been to listen to a whole opera in my life...don't know why those fat damsels and beard