It’s been 5 days now since I have started to learn how to drive the ( what I am convinced is the ) “ Most Evilest creation of Man eve r ” or as the people who have tamed these wild beasts call them: - THE CAR . ( There……..right there – Didn’t you just feel a cold tingle down your spine, that’s how evil they are- But again I DIGRESS ) Now since I am a Mechanical Engineer ( WOO HOO…. yes I did pass all those 8 semesters ) I should be in love with these things and they were one the main reasons after playing all those Need for Speed games why I chose Mechanical as my branch ( That and the fact that after “Eenee Meenee Miny Moe”… Moe was Mechanical ). But I should have been warned when during my Job interview (HR) with TCS ( WOO HOO.. I still work there ) I was the first Bakra in the hall and the conversation which I recall went something like this: S ophisticated H ighClass I ntelligent T errorist ( The interviewer, hence forth know...