
Showing posts from July, 2011


It’s been 5 days now since I have started to learn how to drive the ( what I am convinced is the ) “ Most Evilest creation of Man eve r ” or as the people who have tamed these wild beasts call them: -  THE CAR  .  ( There……..right there – Didn’t you just feel a cold tingle down your spine, that’s how evil they are- But again I DIGRESS ) Now since I am a Mechanical Engineer ( WOO HOO…. yes I did pass all those 8 semesters ) I should be in love with these things and they were one the main reasons after playing all those Need for Speed games why I chose Mechanical as my branch ( That and the fact that after “Eenee Meenee Miny Moe”… Moe was Mechanical ).   But I should have been warned when during my Job interview (HR) with TCS ( WOO HOO.. I still work there ) I was the first Bakra in the hall and the conversation which I recall went something like this:  S ophisticated  H ighClass  I ntelligent  T errorist ( The interviewer, hence forth knows as  SHIT   ): “ So Shrijeet, You are

Top 10 Bikini Babes of All time.

Hahahahaa..... Made you click didn't I ? Now please get back to whatever you were doing THIS IS COSMIC BLASTING OFF !!!!!!!! UPDATE: For those of you who didnt understand what this is about. See below images of how this post was shared UPDATE 2:   Started off as a small test in the (i am assuming) Male Psyche 

Of Brackets and Parenthesis

My past couple of days have been spent flying over different time zones, getting my body clock completely screwed up and waiting in long queues at various Airport Check in and Security Counters all over the world. ( Sydney-Singapore-Mumbai-Raipur ) Singapore deemed me a security risk and an officer asked me to accompany him to an adjoining room outside the queue of the baggage scan. He took my bags and started wiping them with what appeared to be tissue paper. Right when I was about to thank him for the excellent service and for cleaning my bags, he took those tissue papers and fed them into a machine ( which appeared to me to be straight out of Ghost Buster movie ).  The weird looking box with blinking lights and green lights, consumed the tissue papers like a Shredder and after a few loading animations on the green screen while I held my breath anticipating that the alarms would start ringing and I would be arrested by the security and held to the charges of not cleaning my ba