Am I a Professional Writer ?

Its been almost 5 months since I last wrote something here.
That doesnt mean that I have not been doing any writing at all.
You would be happy to know that I write on a regular basis and get paid for it. People who publish my writings get paid even more then me.

Wait a minute, Did I quit my job in the past 5 months and become a full time writer ? Have some of my books been published, so that I am making money for myself and others ?

Well, as tempting as that sounds to the amateur writer in me, sadly thats not true.
I am still doing what I did last. Then why am I suddenly talking as if I am in contention for winning the next Pulitzer Prize ?

One fine day, couple of months ago when I was in my office at my desk, banging at the keys of a computer, staring at a screen much like this one. An idea suddenly crept up in mind.
" How would I define a Professional Writer in Layman's Terms ? "

Out of habit I hit windows+r (Yes, this linux lover uses windows at work) , typed 'notepad' and started jotting the points that would qualify someone to be called a professional writer.

Now I was doing this without the help of "Google Maata" (as i always say: jisko sab kuch aata) I started writing whatever came to my mind.

Few of the points where:

1) Someone who gets paid for writing.
2) Someone whose only job in the day is writing.
3) Someone who writes stuff that other people read.
4) Someone who writes stuff that other people/companies publish.
5) Someone whose writing these aforementioned people/companies make money on.

Now when I compared this above list to what I have been doing for the past 2 years, I realized I fulfill each and everyone of the above criterion.

Lemme elaborate:
1) Someone who gets paid for writing.
I get my salary because I write code the whole day

2) Someone whose only job in the day is writing.
Yes, either I am writing code or writing documents to elaborate what code I have written and why I have written it.

3) Someone who writes stuff that other people read.
I am a Web Developer. So whatever code I write people read them on websites.

4) Someone who writes stuff that other people/companies publish.
My company publishes my code on their servers.

5) Someone whose writing these aforementioned people/companies make money on.
My company gets paid for the code that I write for the clients.

Now according to some of my rough calculations, based on the last project that I completed. If I calculate the money made and the lines of code that I wrote.
I come up with quite a cool figure of 100 $/Line of Code.

That means if I write one line, someone - somewhere makes a cool 100 $.

Thats not too shabby for a writer who no one knows , wont you say ?

So going by my prevalent price of writing. This post would fetch : 6800 $

Think about that :)



  1. Congratulations! you are a PRO! snespl

    Do what you do best. Keep writing! :)

  2. ooooops.. snespl was the word verification..endrant happens when you don't look while typing :P

  3. No u r not :P u ll soon become...but b4 that let me call Salini and show her this page :P

  4. Boy o boy!!! for sure..your words will live longer than you..


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