Have a Backbone


The most important thing to have for any person/child in my opinion is a backbone.

And a strong backbone at that which cannot be bent by the society forcing you to bow before their beliefs and needs....
of what they expect of you...
of what they want of you...
of what they believe to be correct ....
of what they believe is the norm....
of what they believe are the rules to be followed....

Every one needs to have their own point of view, and not just follow what they are taught or preached. But question those beliefs and have a say of their own.

In school when you are small you are taught to question the teachers if you have any doubts, but when those doubts leave the so called prescribed syllabus and moves outside it, you are rebuked for doubting the teachers knowledge and the great Scientists who have proved things before you and you are supposed to accept them as fact.

When you go to the temple where your parents take you to, and you question the pundit if god even exists and where is the proof for that or does the pundit has blind faith
then you are really in trouble...

After your parents and teachers its your Girl Friend/Wife who would be next in line waiting for you to change-for-the-better
if you just follow her blindly......you are the best....if you dont.....then God help you....

What i personally believe is that.
If you want to survive in this world, where you will be looked down for being a heretic, for doubting your parents believes, for standing against the society.
You need to be smart and not defy them out right.
Listen to them, acknowledge them, say they are right....even praise them for God's Sake...

But ...but...but......always have a backbone.....
Always keep your own thoughts on the highest pedestal.
And test your thoughts against what and how others want you to change
and if you feel that you were wrong...and mistaken...then take pride in accepting the fact and change for the better.

But if you believe and think that you are correct in your view point then stand your ground and face the music.
And be smart in doing so.
If you feel you might get into trouble for doing so then control yourself and be a noble part of the society.

But as i said first and i will say it again....

Always have a backbone

DISCLAIMER :- the last few lines might seem wrong and cowardly to some of you..but i speak from my own self experience and to the consequences faced due to my believes

This is COSMIC BLASTING OFF.........


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