Inter Galactic Opera

Greetings Earthlings...(hope u are earthlings or did i just discover first signs of ET)
i am not sure what made u come to this blog or did i force u to come here through my mind control powers which were provided to me when the HSIHSA people from the planet INALBAH did some poking around in my head.....

Any ways now that you are here you are stuck here for the next few lines with me.....since i have just send a Trojan horse to your computer which is blocking you from accessing any other page...
Don't try and hit that BACK button or your hard drive will crash with a Brilliant flash of PINK....(have no idea why pink...but thats the way it is)

OK now please bear with me through my ramblings which go on and on.......and you know the greatest thing about them they are about nothing which makes any sense to anyone as well as me.....
The title of the blog is Inter galactic Opera....and i have never been to listen to a whole opera in my life...don't know why those fat damsels and bearded guys shout at the top of their voice pushing their lungs to the absolute physical and biologically possible limits
or why do so many people go to hear them shout.....

Man you can do all that shouting at home or work or college or any where in the world...thats what most of us do any ways......we just notice something and make a lot of noise about it we criticize everything possible from the way people wash their hands to the way the government is run. But not a single of us is ready to get off our fat assess and do some thing about it.We never try and make a change, we will never take up the initiative to do anything creative, and if some body does we wont support them but just point fingers and find faults and introspect how we could have done it better
See right now you are a living proof of what i am talking about u are too lazy to press the close button on top the web browser.........instead you would just go on and on reading the incoherent babbling of a guy who has no idea in hell what he is talking about....but people will still go on reading it as long as they don't have to write it themselves.....

Now i am not trying to recreate another RDB here (for those of you who have been living on planet ORK its Rang De Basanti)..but i seriously feel that if u need to get something done you need to relocate your behind and do it yourself....

WOW don't know what woke that Preacher inside of me......must be some pituitary glands or some other weird biological thing secreting those things..........what are they called............ya HORMONES.........

OK i think i have tortured you enough for a later........

If you dare to come back that is...........

This is Cosmic Blasting OFF............(sounds like a kid's comic book doesn't it)


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